Supplies and Materials

We ask that you have a staff member, preferably the accounts coordinator, assist you with your supplies. This will help us ensure the supplies are allocated to only teaching department members and it will help us control the amount of products we have in inventory.

The Department budget absorbs the cost of materials for teaching and department-related business such as those working on various departmental committees. The general expense items allowed for faculty and teaching assistants are listed below.


  • Printer paper
  • Pens/pencils
  • Highlighters
  • ROMS stationary and envelopes
  • Hanging folders
  • Manilla folders
  • Transparencies and markers for transparencies
  • Dry erase markers
  • Phone message pads
  • Liquid paper (white out)
  • Scotch tape
  • Rubber bands
  • Push pins/thumbtacks
  • Roll books
  • Necessary testing forms (scantron forms, blue books, etc.)
  • Black printer ink cartridges *NOTE: faculty are limited to one black ink cartridge replacement per academic semester; teaching assistants will not have a limit for black ink cartridges*

Faculty research-related general expense items should be charged to individual research accounts via faculty procurement cards or through a general reimbursement form which will be charged against faculty research accounts.
