Imane Terhmina

Name and title:  

Imane Terhmina, Assistant Professor, Romance Studies 

Academic focus:  

Francophone African literature and culture, postcolonial theory, affect theory, political philosophy, petrofictions/eco-topias, Afropolitanism

Current research project:  

I am currently working on a book manuscript that traces bureaucracy as a narrative trope in literature and film from North, West, and Central Africa, in order to explore competing conceptions of legal rights and citizenship and articulate alternative political imaginaries.  

Academic background:

  • Ph.D., French studies, Yale University, 2020 
  • B.A., Biology and French, Mount Holyoke College, 2014 

Last book read: 

“Sartoris” by William Faulkner 

In your own time/when not working:  

You can usually find me in used book stores, antiques shops, hiking, or experimenting with new recipes.  

Courses you’re most looking forward to teaching:  

Afrotopias; African Sea Routes: Crossing Seas and Mapping Identity; Contested Bodies: The Aesthetics of Global Health in Francophone Africa 

What most excites you about Cornell: 

The student’s contagious enthusiasm, being part of such a vibrant community, and exploring the view at sunrise from the surrounding hiking trails.  

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		 Imane Terhmina